Applied Leadership Series

An intensive 3-day workshop to raise the bar on your personal best.

Changing technologies. Pending legislation. Buyouts and expansions. Social media for business... IPFW's Applied Leadership Series is designed to develop the leadership skills of the manager who is energetic, visionary, and ready to move up to a new level of performance with a commitment to the future. The curriculum is guided by regional business people from various industries and covers skills pertinent to today's business leader:

What sets the IPFW Applied Leadership Series apart from other training programs is how our instructors engage the participants. Course content is delivered in part through collaborative, hands-on projects with cross-referencing to other program discussions. You will be exposed to all genre of business vernacular for cross-disciplinary understanding so vital to the decision-maker.

Keynote Speaker:

Image of Keith E. Busse
Keith E. Busse, Co-founder and Chairman of Steel Dynamics, Inc.

Series Director:

Image of Max Montesino
Max Montesino, Ed.D., Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, IPFW Division of Organizational Leadership and Supervision (OLS)

The Series will be held March 19-21 at the Keith E. Busse IPFW Alumni Center. Opening Reception: March 19, 4:30-6 p.m.Sponsored by Lake City Bank. Register by calling 260-481-6619. Registration deadline is February 28, 2014. (Registration is now closed) For more information:

Who Should Attend:

Experienced managers who need to update on current business trends and the theory and practices.

Managers looking to advance their careers, who need to become knowledgeable in a variety of functional areas.

Managers who are or will be leading major projects or change initiatives within their organizations - now or in the future.

Managers who require an intensive time away to think strategically about their business and how to advance functional understanding, and enhance leadership effectiveness.

Functional support specialists who are being promoted into a broader leadership role or who need to start developing a wider leadership perspective.

Technical professionals moving into management positions who need more management and leadership"know-how".

Business graduates who need to update their business, management, communication and leadership skills, and education.

Sponsored by the IPFW Division of Continuing Studies in partnership with the Center for Leadership Development, within the Divison of Organizational Leadership in the College of Engineering, Technology and Computer Science; the Richard T. Doermer School of Business; and the IPFW Alumni Association. IPFW is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access University.